Icam Bouquets

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Icam Bouquets – Latest Update

Follow this guide for your Icam Bouquets auto installation script for any receiver, and any image.

We have prepared an auto installation script for icam Bouquets for all receivers.

The script will install icam Bouquets with all German channels.

  1. Open the receiver’s web interface. (Enter the receiver’s IP into the browser)
  2. Bottom left on Terminal
  3. Enter login and password (root / empty ) or use your own password.
  4. Insert the following command wget -qO- cccam.eu/icam-script | bash
  5. ​Confirm with Enter
  6. An installation screen appears
  7. Select option 3 (Update Bouquets only).  Or option 1 to make a new installation of latest oscam.
  8. Then choose your image, e.g. OpenATV
  9. The Bouquet is installed, then end the process with 0-Back/Exit.
  10. The receiver will automatically restart.


You can buy the best icam oscam server here

To learn more about oscam you can visit this forum

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