oscam icam

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Oscam Icam for Sky de


Icam auto installation script (V1) – Latest update – All images

The following steps are only possible with a working internet connection:

  1. Open the receiver’s web interface. (Enter the receiver’s IP into the browser)
  2. Click on Terminal (Bottom left )
  3. Enter login and password (root / blank ) or use your own password. (If you dont remember your password, change password under Menu button > Settings > System > Network > Password )
  4. Insert the following command wget -qO- i.tv-lounge.eu/install_v3.txt | bash
  5. Confirm with enter
  6. An installation screen appears
  7. Select point 1 (Install Icam Oscam stable). 
  8. Then choose your image, e.g. OpenATV
  9. The softcam is installed, then end the process with 0-Back/Exit.
  10. The receiver will automatically restarted
  11. Installation is ready, now all you have to do is insert your server on oscam.server file from web interface.

You can buy icam server here

oscam icam

You can buy icam server here